
Transforming Your Business Technology Has Never Been Easier

Technology Ecosystem

Hardware as a Service (HaaS)

Connect * Collaborate * Compute

(H)ardware (a)ffordable (a)daptable (S)imple.


Connect is the connecting to the utility that is simply expected to be available 100% of the time that allows customers to easily communicate with the business. It also allows for the business to easily connect with its customers, employees, and stakeholders.

Imagine this component is the US Highway System. The US Highway System is the utility that is connected from city to city and allows you to get to where you need to be.

As it relates to your business it is the Internet, your network infrastructure, your cellular service, and your wireless infrastructure.



Internet Service Provider

Cellular Service


Collaborate is the common productivity suites and custom, purpose-built applications that allows collaboration between your customers and the business. It also is the internal applications that allows seamless, fast, simple collaboration and communication between employees so work gets done fast.

Microsoft Office 365, Work, Excel, Teams

Chat Utilities

G-Suite, Docs, Sheets, Google Meet



Computing is the hardware and devices that are expected to be safe, secure, and highly available whenever needed.

Common devices are laptops, workstations, tablets, smartphones but the compute needs are much more complex. These devices need to be secure and the data needs to be stored and backed up. This requires hardware; firewalls, routers, servers, high-availability backup and restore components.